Join us for worship each Sunday at 10:00 am. 
The Sacrament of Communion is observed the first Sunday of the month.
Sunday School for all ages is held at 9:00 am.
Image of Open Bible
10:00 AMTraditional Service
Traditional Service in the Sanctuary:
  • Worship begins at 10:00 am. 
  • The preschool and kindergarten aged children are invited to the preschool room during the wordship service.  Childcare will be provided by an adult who has clearances for babies through Kindergarten.  You may take your child to the preschool room before the service starts to get them settled in.  If there are no children in the preschool after the older children are dismissed for Junior Church, then the preschool room will not be supervised for the rest of the service.  
  • Junior Church is available for children in grade1 through grade 6 during the worship service.  
  • There is NO Junior Church on the Sundays we celebrate communion.
This service is livestreamed to the Fellowship Hall as well as to Facebook and You Tube:
  • WorthingtonPresChurch on Facebook
  • Worthington Presbyterian Church You Tube channel
  • and the church website at
This service is also broadcast to the parking lot on 106.9 FM.
  • Bulletins and communion elements will be available to those who wish to worship in the parking lot.