It may be hard for you to feel optimistic about the future right now. If you’ve lost a spouse, child, family member, or friend, you’ve probably found there are not many people who understand the deep hurt you feel.  This can be a confusing time when you feel isolated and have many questions about things you’ve never faced before.

“Going to GriefShare feels like having warm arms wrapped around you when you’re shivering.”
GriefShare groups meet weekly to help you face these challenges and move toward rebuilding your life. Each GriefShare session has three distinct elements:
  • Video seminar with experts
  • Support group discussion with focus
  • Personal study and reflection
The next cycle begins at Worthington Presbyterian Church on Monday, February 17, 2025 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm and concludes on May19, 2025. 
  • This is a free program with the cost underwritten by WPC for the community. 
  • You can begin attending at any time within the cycle. 
  •  Please call the church office (724-297-3820) for more information.
Weekly session topics
Each week your group will watch a video seminar on DVD. The GriefShare videos cover topics essential to your recovery from the hurt of grief and loss. The videos feature interviews with grief recovery experts and real-life stories of people who have experienced the death of a loved one.
Here is a snapshot of key themes found in each of the 13 GriefShare session videos. 
  1. Is This Normal?  
  2. Your Grief  Journey
  3. Loneliness & Sadness
  4. Self-Care
  5. Fearful & Overwhelmed
  6. Anger  
  7. Regrets
  8. Grief & Your Household
  9. Grief & Your Friendships
  10. Questions for God
  11. Stuck in Grief
  12. Hope & Resilience
  13. What Do I Live for Now?  
For more information, log into
Register here -
Your life has changed forever.  The daily emotions and challenges can seem too hard to bear. 
Find help at a Loss of a Spouse seminar. 
 Sunday, February 9 at 2 pm in the Fellowship Hall at Worthington Presbyterian Church
Please join us for this encouraging seminar. 
A special event, Surviving the Holidays, will be held Sunday, November 2, 2025, at 2 pm in the Fellowship Hall. 
When you are grieving a loved one's death, the holiday season can be especially painful.
Our Surviving the Holidays seminar helps participants discover:
  • How to deal emotions 
  • What to do about traditions a
  • Helpful tips for surviving social events
  • How to discover hope for your future