Sunday School: - Adults meet Sunday morning at 9:00 am in the fellowship hall for coffee and conversation followed by Sunday School led by Frank Braden or Pastor Bob.
Bible Study Opportunities: - Study the book of Revelation with Pastor Bob, 7:00 pm, Tuesday in the hall classroom. This is an opportunity to understand and discuss, in depth, what we believe and why we should believe it.
- The Wednesday Bible Study Group, led by Hester Shick, resumes February 19, 2025 at 1 pm. What does it mean to walk with God? The Wednesday Bible Study will look at the life of Abraham to learn how to walk by faith. Even though Abraham is called the friend of God, even though he's the father of the Jewish nation, even though he's included in the N T as the supreme example of faith, he has tremendous character flaws and made some tremendous mistakes in his life. That ought to be an encouragement to us---because if God could use Abraham, God can use anybody. Come join the group that meets on Wednesdays at 1:00 p.m..
- Have you ever heard of the Gospel of Mary Magdalene and wondered why it is not included in the New Testament? Have you ever wondered why Paul wrote his epistles? Did you know two of Jesus' brothers wrote letters to the church we have in the New Testament today?
If you are looking to learn more about the New Testament starting with a 10,000-ft view before narrowing down into specific passages, we have the perfect Bible Study Wednesday evenings @ 6 PM. Stephen Rigatti will be leading a survey of the New Testament which will be paced upon the needs/desires of all who attend.